Biksel Quick Start Guide for Raspberry Pi

This step-by-step guide walks you through how to get Biksel up and running quickly on a Raspberry Pi.

Note: this guide has been tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspberry Pi OS with desktop, 32-bit, release date 4th April 2022, Debian version 11 (Bullseye).

How to download and install Biksel

Do on your Raspberry Pi – requires internet connection.

  1. Visit the Download section of the Biksel webpage and click on the link labeled biksel-x.y.z.tar.gz (source package). This will download Biksel. (Note: x.y.z will actually be a few numbers – this is the version number of the latest release of Biksel.)

  2. In your file manager, open the Downloads folder and find the file biksel-x.y.z.tar.gz that you just downloaded. Right click on this file and select Extract Here. This will extract the Biksel package into a new folder called biksel-x.y.z.

  3. Double click on the folder biksel-x.y.z to enter it, then press F4 to start a terminal (command prompt) session within this folder.

    Troubleshooting: due to a glitch in Raspberry Pi OS, you may get an error message at this step saying Terminal emulator is not set. If this happens, press OK to dismiss the error message and a Preferences window will appear. Enter lxterminal in the box labelled Terminal emulator at the top of this window, then close the window. Now press F4 again in the file manager and the problem should be fixed.

  4. In the terminal session, enter the following command and press Return (be sure to enter the command exactly as given here, without any mistakes – you may find it easiest if you copy and paste the command from this webpage into the terminal window):

    sudo apt-get install gcc libx11-dev libxext-dev libxi-dev emacs

    This will install some software packages needed for Biksel to work.

    You may be prompted Do you want to continue? to confirm that installation should go ahead – press Return to accept.

  5. Next enter the following command and press Return:


    This will build Biksel.

  6. Then also enter the following command and press Return:

    sudo ./install

    This will install Biksel.

  7. Finally, enter the following command and press Return:

    If you are an experienced Emacs user and maintain your own .emacs file, this command will overwrite it. See the appendix at the end of Chapter 1 of the Biksel user manual for information on how to avoid this. If you have never used Emacs before, or have not written your own .emacs file, you can safely run this command.

    cp $(bikpath emacs-init-file) ~/.emacs

    This will set up Emacs, the code editor we use when writing Biksel programs, to work conveniently with Biksel.

How to write a program using Biksel

Do on your Raspberry Pi – does not require internet connection.

  1. In your file manager, create a new folder (menu → File → New Folder…) for your program and give it a name ending in .bik, for example my-program.bik.

    Please note: each Biksel program you write must go in its own folder with a name ending in .bik. If you try to put files for multiple programs in the same folder they will clash and you will get an error when you try to build and run them.

  2. Inside the folder you just created, create an empty file (menu → File → New File…) and give it a name ending in .c, for example main.c.

  3. Open the Emacs code editor by clicking on the Raspberry Pi icon in the top-left corner of the screen and selecting Programming then Emacs (GUI).

    Troubleshooting: if you have just installed Biksel for the first time and the Emacs (GUI) menu entry does not appear, rebooting your Pi should fix the problem.

  4. Drag and drop the empty file that you created in step 2 from the file manager into the Emacs code editor window.

  5. Type some code into the code editor, for example:

    void Main(Channel io)

    Press F7 to build and run.

How to view the Biksel user manual offline

Do on your Raspberry Pi – does not require internet connection.

  1. Start a terminal (command prompt) session by clicking on the Raspberry Pi icon in the top-left corner of the screen and selecting Accessories then Terminal.

  2. In the terminal session, enter the following command and press Return:

    bikpath manual-html

    This will print out the path to a copy of the Biksel user manual stored locally on your Raspberry Pi.

  3. Select the path that was printed out in the previous step, then copy and paste it into the location bar of your web browser. You can bookmark the manual in your browser to easily access it next time.

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